Here's a list of the services we provide. They are all free of charge (we ask for voluntary donations). Please contact us to receive assistance.


Case Management

Services to guide families each step of the way through successfully raising their diverse children.



Services to assist families in obtaining their rights and the rights of their children in terms of educational services (IEPs, disability accommodations, etc.), government services (regional centers, etc.), employment, and other areas.


Social and Recreational Events

Events for families and youth, with inclusive, accommodating, and welcoming atmospheres.



Informational, Educational, and Support Events

Events for families and youth that inform, educate, and support.


Resource Assistance

Financial and material (clothing, toys, educational supplies, therapeutic materials, etc.) assistance, based on need, to mentally-diverse youth and their families.


E-mail Discussion List

To allow communication among the SASSNA community of families, professionals, mentally-diverse individuals, and other interested parties.


Other Help

Have a special need? A particular question? Something else? Let us know - we're here to help.


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